أ. صلاح بن عبد الهادي القحطاني رئيساً لمجلس الأعمال السعودي الإقليمي لدول وسط وغرب أوروبا
AHQ & Sons Group of companies and thier members congratulate Sheikh Salah bin Abdulhadi Al-Qahtani on his new position as Chairman of the Saudi Regional Business Council for Central and Western European Countries.
Wishing him all the best and success.
مجموعة شركات عبد الهادي عبد الله القحطاني وأولاده، ومنسوبيها يهنئون سعادة الشيخ / صلاح بن عبد الهادي القحطاني بتعيينه من قبل اتحاد الغرف السعودية ، كرئيس لمجلس الأعمال السعودي الإقليمي لدول وسط وغرب أوروبا.
متمنين له كل التوفيق والنجاح
Saleh Al Obidan
الف الف مبروك ياشيخنا ومنها للأعلى يارب
Warmest Congratulations….. wishing you more success in future….
عالبركة يا بو عبدالهادي تستاهل كل خير
Younus mohammed
Congratulations sir.
Abdul Fattah Mhallayah
سعادة الشيخ صلاح القحطاني حفظه الله
يطيب لي أن أرفع إليكم صادق التهاني والتبريكات باسمي وبأسم جميع العاملين بقسم المواد الغذائية
متمنيًا لشخصكم الكريم التوفيق والنجاح في القيـام بالمهام المسندة إليكم، والتي أنتم أهل لها. ودمتم .
فهد الدوسري
الف مبروك وتستاهل كل خير
Steven Miller
Congratulations on your new appointment to the Saudi Regional Business Council for Central and Western European Countries.
prathapan vimalanathan
Respected sir Sheikh Salah bin Abdulhadi Al-Qahtani,
Heartly congrats for your new position, and prayers to Allah Almighty to shower his endless Grace and Prosperity upon you to archives your goals and succeed more in your each future steps.
بارك الله فيك وفي عائلتك..
Waquar A Siddiqui
Many Congratulations sir.
iyad abudaqqa
Heartfelt congratulations, and May success be with you, always. Wishing you good luck.
Mahmoud Elshabrawy
الف مبروك الشيخ صلاح المحترم وبالتوفيق باذن الله
Abdul Rehman
Dear Sheikh Salah A. H. Al- Qahtani, Assalam U Alaikum. Mabrook Alf Mabrook. Congratulations! on Your New Position as Chairman of the Saudi Regional Business Council for Central and Western European Countries. I wish You the Best of Luck and Success.
Alex Areopagita
Congratulations and wishing you a bright future and success on your new position with the blessings and guidance of Allah be with you.
Ahmed Bakhsh
Dear SH. Salah A. Al-Qahtani,
Please accept my warm congratulations on your new assignment and my best wishes for your success as you prepare to take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high office.
I feel proud to work with you not only to develop and extend the business but in place to learn more about how to lead the business and maintain general and business relations overall with our valuable clients and our esteemed organization.
Ahmed Bakhsh
Earadat, Marketing Manager
Mohammed Asim Bhutta
Dear Sheikh Salah A. H. Al- Qahtani, Assalam U Alaikum. Mabrook Alf Mabrook. Congratulations! on Your New Position as Chairman of the Saudi Regional Business Council for Central and Western European Countries. I wish You the Best of Luck and Succes
Many congratulations & best wises sir
Ahmed Mostafa
الف مبروك و منها الي نجاحات اعلى و اعلى.
Mohammad Farhad
Congratulations and wishing you a bright future and success on your new position with the blessings and guidance of Allah be with you.
Zafar Ahmed mohammad siddique
Congratulation by deep of heart. May Allah Subhan o Tallah grant you and Abdel Hadi Abdullah Al-Qahtani family bright excellent future and prosperity. Allah Rubul Ezat rahamah late Abdul Hadi and spare good place in jannah.
بالتوفيق دائما وابدا
Ali Zia
Dear SH. Salah A. Al-Qahtani,
Please accept my warm congratulations on your new position and wishing you the best and plenty of success. You are a constant source of inspiration for us. You truly deserve every bit of the success you have achieved, May Allah SWT Always Be with you. Congratulations.
Zafar Ahmed mohammad siddique
Congratulation by deep of my heart. May Allah Subhan o Tallah grant you and Abdel Hadi Abdullah Al-Qahtani family bright excellent future and prosperity. Allah Rabul Ezat rahamah late Abdul Hadi and spare good place in jannah.
Kashif Ali
Respected Sir,
My Heartfelt congratulations for your new position, and prayers to Allah Almighty to shower his endless Blessings, Grace and Prosperity upon you to achieve your goals and succeed more in your each future steps in Life.
wishing you the best and plenty of success in your new job.
الف مبروك شيخ صلاح وتستاهل كل الخير ربنا يحفظك يارب 🙏🙏
Majdi Aggad
مبارك للشيخ صلاح القحطاني مع خالص التمنيات بمزيد من التقدم و بدوام النجاحات
Vinod Kumar
Congratulations and best wishes to you to achieve your goals and succeed.
Warmest Congratulations Sh. Salah, May best wishes for your continued success for many many years to come.
Muhammad Haris Qureshi
Respect Sir,
Assalam U Alaikum
Congratulations on your achievement & Wishing you even more success in the future.
ASSALAMUALAIKUM. Heartfelt congratulations and our sincere prayers to ALLAH SWT to bestow the showers of HIS BLESSINGS to achieve the goal.
Elvern Laurian Soguilon
Your success story never ceases to inspire us, congratulations on your well-deserved promotion.
Mohameed salim AL- JAMRI
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
اتقدم بخالص التهاني والتبريكات الى مقام اللاستاذ الشيخ / صلاح عبد الهادي القحطاني على عذه المنصب منتمنى من الله العلي القدير لكم مزيد من التقدم والنجاح والعمر الطويل لخدمه المجتمع
Mohammed Saeed Quraysh AlQahtani
أبارك للشيخ صلاح هذا الإنجاز وأتمنى له ولعائلته الكريمة المزيد والعمر المديد بإذن الله تعالى ..
Mohammed AlQahtani
نبارك للشيخ صلاح هذا الانجاز
ونتمنى عدم حذف التعليق من القائمين على الموقع
Mahmoud Wasfy
الف مليون مبروك سعاده الشيخ صلاح